We know that you want the best for your children – the best school, the best teacher, the best health, the best extra-curricular exposure and the best of everything.
We also know that in today's increasingly competitive environment, it is becoming more and more difficult each day to nurture your children and prepare them for graduation and post graduation in various fields than it was when you were growing up.
Today due to globalization, the world has become ONE. Your child is competing with not just the children from the schools of your city or country but also with the children across the globe.
The Institute for Illumination of Intelligence Quotient also known as I Qube is an organization that has been formulated by elite and brilliant people from various strata of the society to provide mental and financial support to your child to gain an edge in today's scenario.
There are multiple examinations to help your child gain proficiency in subjects like Mathematics, English, Science etc, but preparedness in IQ related aspects like Quantitative Analysis, Problem Solving, Logical Reasoning, Visual reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Spatial Interpretation, Linguistics, Social Intelligence, Memory, etc are skills that will stay with them throughout their lives.
I Qube helps students from Grade 3 to Grade 9 in the preparation for all the competitive exams that are conducted globally and ensuring that they are also prepared for all future job interviews with the help of aptitude building, using concepts like - Logical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Non - Verbal Reasoning, Linguistics, Visual Reasoning, Spatial Interpretation, Problem Solving, Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, Abstract Reasoning, Social Intelligence, Memory. With the assistance of the 7 books that we have authored we are preparing children for self-study and also enabling them to solve problems and develop a notion of self study from a very early age in life. An examinations is conducted every year and scholarships are rewarded to all the meritorious students across all grades from Grade 3 to Grade 9.
The hard copies of the results will be available in the school after the school reopens.
"The heights by great men; reached and kept, Were not attained by a sudden flight, But they whilst their companions slept, Were toiling upwards in the night. . ."
The prizes will be awarded to 5 students who would be the overall toppers from STD 3 till STD 9.The 5 toppers will be decided based on their relative percentage.
The prizes will be awarded to the top 10% students of each standard from Std 3 till Std 9.
The student securing the 1st rank SML will not be awarded the ML topper scholarship award.In case of a tie in SML, I Qube will conduct a tie breaker to decide the winner.